At CrossTown Ministry we are not associated with a particular denomination and we are not defined by a broad category of theology. We are best defined by our essentials of the Christian faith in Christ and best described by our practices.
We affirm that it is essential to hold to the trinitarian view of the Godhead. That God the Father, Jesus the Son and The Holy Spirit are distinct persons within the Godhead and yet so interwoven of essence that they constitute one God.
We affrim that the Bible is God's Word written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. As God's Word it is inerrant in it's original compostion. We affirm that the Bible is consistent and without contradiction, even though we may not understand how to reconcile apparent contradictions. We affirm that the Bible does not merely contain the word and message of God; it is the word and message of God. We affirm that the Bible is authoritative in our lives and is our guide to faith, salvation and life on earth in accordance with 2 Timothy 3:16
We affirm the sacrificial atonement of Jesus on the cross. That Jesus lived a sinless life but died bearing the sins of all humanity and thus paying the actual price for the guilt of human sin in all its forms and ways. We affirm that on the third day after His crucifixion Jesus was raised from the dead and was witnessed by more than 500 people establishing a historical record of the resurrection.
We affirm that Jesus is the exclusive way to God the Father and the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus makes the clear statement that He is the only way and no one comes to the Father except through Him. God cannot make allowances for good people, sincere people, or people who believe in alternative forms of a Savior or Messiah. If the eternal Kingdom is to remain perfect then any who enter it must be made pure by Jesus Christ.
We affirm that the way in which humans receive the grace of God through Jesus on the cross is by faith alone. Those who trust Jesus for life receive eternal life. We do not accept that good deeds, moral behavior or religious practices and sacraments impart saving grace. We affirm that evidence of saving faith in the heart is confession that Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again; He ascended into Heaven to prepare an eternal place for those who believe.
We affirm that Jesus will return for His own and bring the culmination of all God’s people together in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. We also affirm that those who do not trust in Jesus for eternal life will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire according to God’s just judgement.
There are many particular doctrines that some or all of CrossTown Ministry might hold to, but they are not matters of essential faith in Jesus Christ. It is our purpose to follow Jesus with all other Jesus followers that we believe will be with us in eternity. Therefore anyone who holds to these essentials and agree to participate in our practices will be welcome to membership in CrossTown Ministry.